Pastor's Pen -- June 2019

After the abundant rain and blazing sun, plants started to grow in my yard. Lots of plants, but not necessarily the ones I wanted nor the ones I planted. Yes, there are foxtails, milk thistle, dandelions and oxalis where I want flowers to grow.

Before I can begin planting, I spend time taking out the plants I don’t want. If I don’t remove the weeds, they will grow fast and crowd out the sunlight from the plants I am trying to cultivate. The weeds are always easier to get rid of when they are small. However, sometimes some major weed whacking is what you need to do to clear out space.

Where in your life do you need to do some cleaning or weeding?

What of the old can you let go of in order to make room for the new? Rockville is definitely making room for the new.

Rockville has completed its Mission Study small groups, completed its Mission Study, and will now be working on making a five year plan with where the church wants to go and how we might get there. In other words, where shall we begin and what shall we do first? The Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) is in full swing and the Committee On Ministry will vote on the Church Information Form the first week in June. After that, Rockville will begin to get resumes from pastors all over the United States. It is an exciting time in the life of the church.

Pastor Joanne